Umar Ganda
An Indonesian citizen who was born in Medan on 8 April 1957. He was reappointed as President Director of PT Jaya Construction Pratama Tbk through the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) on 22 June 2022 for the next 3 (three) year period. He started joining PT Jaya Construction Manggala Pratama Tbk as Technical Staff in the Estimation Engineering Bureau until 1985. Several positions while at PT Jaya Construction Manggala Pratama Tbk were as Deputy Project Manager , Deputy Director, Director and Deputy President Director. He is now also trusted to serve as President Director of PT Jaya Trade Indonesia (since 2015) and Commissioner of PT Jaya Teknik Indonesia (since 201).
He earned a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Trisakti University, Jakarta in 1982 and an MBA from the University of Lancaster UK (United Kingdom) in 1993.

Ir. Sutopo Kristanto, MM
Sutopo Kristanto is on the board of PT Jaya Teknik Indonesia and PT Jaya Beton Indonesia and Director at PT Pembangunan Jaya.
In the past Mr. Kristanto held the position of President Commissioner of PT Jaya Daido Concrete. He received a graduate degree from Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Indonesia and an undergraduate degree from Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember.

Ir. Yohannes Henky Wijaya, MM
Yohannes Henky Wijaya is Director at PT Pembangunan Jaya and Vice President Director at PT Jaya Real Property Tbk and on the board of 6 other companies. In the past Mr. Wijaya was Vice President Director at PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama Tbk.
Mr. Wijaya received an undergraduate degree from Institut Teknologi Bandung and a graduate degree from PPM Institute of Management.

Ir. Okky Dharmosetio, MBA
Okky Dharmosetio is an Indonesian businessperson who has been at the helm of 8 different companies and currently is Chairman for PT Pembangunan Jaya and President Commissioner for PT Sarana Merpati Utama, President Commissioner of PT Jaya Gas Indonesia, President Commissioner for PT Kenrope Utama, President Commissioner at PT Adibaroto Nugratama, President Director at PT Jaya Beton Indonesia and Vice President Director at PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama Tbk (which are all subsidiaries of PT Pembangunan Jaya). Mr. Dharmosetio is also on the board of PT Metroja Mandiri, PT Sarana Bitung Utama and PT Sarana Sumber Daya Utama and Executive Director at Jaya Education Foundation and Vice President Director at PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama Tbk.

Ir. Haryanto Damanik, MM
Haryanto Damanik is Vice President Director at PT Jaya Teknik Indonesia. In 2006-2009, Mr. Damanik was Vice Director at PT Jaya Teknik Indonesia.
Mr. Damanik received a graduate degree from PPM Institute of Management and an undergraduate degree from University of North Sumatra (USU).

Achmad Budiman, ST, MM
Achmad Budiman is Director at PT Jaya Teknik Indonesia.
In his past career Mr. Budiman was Vice Director at PT Jaya Teknik Indonesia.
He received an undergraduate degree from Pancasila University and a graduate degree from PPM Institute of Management.
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Lorem Ipsum Dolor sit Amet